“The prayer level of the church never rises higher than the personal example and passion of the lead pastor.”

--Dr. Daniel Henderson

Let Our Pastors Encourage You to Grow in Prayer,

to Grow Your People in Prayer,

and to Develop a Culture of Prayer in Your Church

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Sponsored by Church Prayer Leaders Network, "The Praying Pastor" is a weekly blog, each entry written by a pastor who is or was in the trenches of church ministry and who developed strong praying churches.
(See Our Team). Each week, the entry could be a tip or inspiration on your own prayer life, an idea or tip on growing your people in prayer, or an idea on mobilizing your congregation toward deeper levels of prayer.

The Praying Pastor is a ministry of Church Prayer Leaders Network. CPLN exists to help individuals (pastors and lay people) who are working to raise up more prayer in their churches. We want to encourage, challenge, inspire, and resource you as you seek to motivate and mobilize your church toward deeper levels of prayer.